Choose Love

Ukrainian born dancer, Lena Bovay, director and choreographer Alexandra Green and musician Pete Diggens have created an emotive film that highlights the plight of people in Ukraine. The film aims to raise awareness and money for the Ukrainian arm of the charity, Choose Love

When Putin invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the world watched as it shattered the lives of millions of people. London based Ukrainian dancer Lena Bovay, like many others felt the pain and outrage, and wanted to do something to help Ukraine’s fight for freedom. Lena approached director and choreographer, Alexandra Green with an emotive and rallying piece of music from Pete Diggens.

Filmed using a team of volunteers and generous donations of equipment the film takes place underground in the Brunel Tunnel shaft in South London. The claustrophobic darkness, earthy atmosphere and deafening stillness reflect the subterranean daily realities of millions of Ukrainian civilians who have to take shelter from the Russian attacks in cities across the country.

This film explores the isolation and darkness of the war whilst also presenting a powerful dignity and determination of Ukrainian people to resist and ultimately triumph.

The film opens in darkness, punctuated by the voice of Ukrainian actress Liza Tsilyk passionately reciting ‘we swallowed an air like earth’ by Marianna Kiyanovska. A group of dancers lead us into a piece of choreography that feels defiant and protest like, highlighting the power and strength of the collective. 

With an undercurrent of relentless energy and power to survive, the dancers weave together in choreographed movement, that symbolises a solidarity and togetherness, using motifs that punctuate the space as the dancers move with passion and vigour. Dually, an isolation exists within the group, singular moments intercut sharply within the collective choreography, which highlight the enduring loneliness faced by many who have been uprooted from their home.

Lena, Alexandra and Pete are raising funds for Choose Love through the film and ask you to give generously to the cause. Choose Love is a charity that seeks to support refugees and displaced people from all over the world and help them rebuild after intense tragedy. Alexandra has seen first hand the work they do to elevate the voices and visibility of refugees; galvanising public support to provide vital aid globally for refugees.


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