Music Streaming: What is the future

Music Think Tank has produced an interesting article on the issue of Streaming, comparing music to film and how the music industry, from writer, artists, record companies and music publishers, is looking to catch up.

Here is an extract from Dillon Roulet’s article, “It has become commonplace to hear artists, management, agents and labels complain about how streaming will crush the music industry.  This same mentality arose during the transition into the CD and digital downloading eras.  Don’t fear the numerous myths that have saturated our industry, streaming is not evil; merely different.  And it is about to become the next powerhouse, quite possibly changing music distribution in a way never seen before.  This transformation has already commenced in television and film.  The music industry has fallen behind, but is quickly catching up with vengeance.”

This article provides a useful base to get the conversation going. Build in factors such as the number of streaming services, file size, copyright protection, and get talking.

Read the full article on music think tank here.


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